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Vishnu vaman shirwadkar biography in marathi recipe

व&#;ष&#;ण&#; व&#;मन श&#;रव&#;डकर,(२७ फ&#;ब&#;र&#;व&#;र&#;, १९१२-१० म&#;र&#;च १९९९) ह&#; मर&#;ठ&#; भ&#;ष&#;त&#;ल अग&#;रगण&#;य कव&#;, ल&#;खक, न&#;टकक&#;र व सम&#;क&#;षक ह&#;त&#;. त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज य&#; ट&#;पणन&#;व&#;न&#; ल&#;खन क&#;ल&#;. त&#; आत&#;मन&#;ष&#;ठ व सम&#;जन&#;ष&#;ठ ज&#;ण&#;व असण&#;र&#; मर&#;ठ&#;तल&#; महत&#;त&#;व&#;च&#; ल&#;खक म&#;नल&#; ज&#;त&#;त.

सरस&#;वत&#;च&#;य&#; म&#;द&#;र&#;त&#;ल द&#;द&#;प&#;यम&#;न रत&#;न अस&#; त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; वर&#;णन करत&#;त. व&#;.स. ख&#;&#;ड&#;कर य&#;&#;च&#;य&#;न&#;तर मर&#;ठ&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;त ज&#;ञ&#;नप&#;ठ प&#;रस&#;क&#;र म&#;ळवण&#;र&#; त&#; द&#;सर&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;क ह&#;त&#;. त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; जन&#;म द&#;वस ह&#; "'मर&#;ठ&#; भ&#;ष&#; द&#;वस म&#;हण&#;न स&#;जर&#; क&#;ल&#; ज&#;त&#;.

क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;च&#; जन&#;म प&#;ण&#; य&#;थ&#; इ.स १९१२ मध&#;य&#; २७ फ&#;ब&#;र&#;व&#;र&#; य&#; द&#;वश&#; झ&#;ल&#;.

त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; म&#;ळ न&#;व गज&#;नन र&#;गन&#;थ श&#;रव&#;डकर अस&#; ह&#;त&#;. त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; क&#;क&#; व&#;मन श&#;रव&#;डकर य&#;&#;न&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; दत&#;तक घ&#;तल&#;य&#;न&#; त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; न&#;व व&#;ष&#;ण&#; व&#;मन श&#;रव&#;डकर अस&#; बदलल&#; ग&#;ल&#;. न&#;श&#;क य&#;थ&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; आपल&#; श&#;क&#;षण प&#;र&#;ण क&#;ल&#;. ब&#;.ए.च&#; पदव&#; म&#;ळ&#;ल&#;य&#;न&#;तर क&#;ह&#; क&#;ळ त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; च&#;त&#;रपट व&#;यवस&#;य&#;त पटकथ&#; ल&#;हण&#;, च&#;त&#;रपट&#;त छ&#;ट&#;य&#; भ&#;म&#;क&#; करण&#; अश&#; क&#;म&#; क&#;ल&#;.

य&#;न&#;तर स&#;वर&#;ज&#;य, प&#;रभ&#;त,नवय&#;ग,धन&#;र&#;ध&#;र&#;, अश&#; व&#;व&#;ध न&#;यतक&#;ल&#;क&#;&#;च&#;, व&#;त&#;तपत&#;र&#;&#;च&#; स&#;प&#;दक म&#;हण&#;न त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; क&#;म क&#;ल&#;. १९३२ स&#;ल&#; झ&#;ल&#;ल&#;य&#; क&#;ळ&#;र&#;म म&#;द&#;र प&#;रव&#;श सत&#;य&#;ग&#;रह&#;त त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; सहभ&#;ग ह&#;त&#;. १९३३ स&#;ल&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; 'ध&#;र&#;व म&#;डळ&#;'च&#; स&#;थ&#;पन&#; क&#;ल&#;.

अन&#;क स&#;म&#;ज&#;क चळवळ&#;त, सत&#;य&#;ग&#;रह&#;&#;मध&#; सहभ&#;ग घ&#;तल&#;. प&#;ढ&#;ल क&#;ळ&#;तह&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; न&#;श&#;क ज&#;ल&#;ह&#;य&#;त&#;ल आद&#;व&#;स&#; व&#;द&#;य&#;र&#;थ&#;य&#;&#;न&#; श&#;क&#;षण&#;स&#;ठ&#; मदत क&#;ल&#;.
१० म&#;र&#;च १९९९ र&#;ज&#; त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; न&#;धन झ&#;ल&#;.

स&#;म&#;ज&#;क अन&#;य&#;य व व&#;षमत&#; य&#; व&#;षय&#;&#;वर क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;न&#; त&#;य&#;&#;च&#;य&#; ल&#;ख&#;ण&#;त&#;न कठ&#;र ट&#;क&#; क&#;ल&#;.

"स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;क&#;न&#; स&#;म&#;ज&#;क ब&#;&#;ध&#;लक&#; म&#;नल&#; प&#;ह&#;ज&#;" य&#; मत&#;च&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; प&#;रस&#;क&#;र क&#;ल&#;. कव&#;त&#;&#;बर&#;बरच त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; अन&#;क न&#;टक&#;ह&#; ल&#;ह&#;ल&#;. य&#;श&#;व&#;य क&#;द&#;बर&#;, कथ&#;, लघ&#;न&#;ब&#;ध इत&#;य&#;द&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यप&#;रक&#;रह&#; त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; ह&#;त&#;ळल&#;.


द&#;व&#;न&#;द स&#;नटक&#;क&#; य&#;&#;च&#;य&#; मत&#;न&#;स&#;र अश&#;प&#;रक&#;र&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;च&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यव&#;च&#;र प&#;र&#;णत&#; ल&#;क&#;कत&#;व&#;द&#; आह&#;. एक&#; सम&#;जमनस&#;क कल&#;व&#;त&#;&#;च&#;य&#; स&#;म&#;ज&#;क च&#;&#;तन&#;च&#; आल&#;ख त&#;य&#;त उमटल&#; आह&#;. कल&#;व&#;द&#;च&#; अत&#;र&#;क आण&#; स&#;म&#;ज&#;कत&#;च&#; त&#;रस&#;क&#;र अश&#; द&#;व&#;द&#;व&#;त अडकल&#;ल&#;य&#; मर&#;ठ&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यव&#;यवह&#;र&#;त त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; समन&#;वय स&#;धल&#; आह&#;.

कल&#;क&#;ष&#;त&#;र&#;त त&#;य&#; त&#;य&#; व&#;ळ&#; न&#;र&#;म&#;ण झ&#;ल&#;ल&#;य&#; स&#;भ&#;रम&#;वस&#;थ&#;त&#;च&#; प&#;त&#;मह&#;च&#;य&#; भ&#;म&#;क&#;त&#;न क&#;ल&#;ल&#; त&#; म&#;र&#;गदर&#;शन आह&#;. क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज, अह&#;क&#;र, अन&#;भव आण&#; आव&#;र&#;भ&#;व ह&#; कल&#;च&#; आध&#;रभ&#;त तत&#;त&#;व&#; म&#;नत&#;त, त&#;य&#;&#;च&#; ह&#; व&#;च&#;र ल&#;खकस&#;प&#;क&#;ष आह&#;.

अह&#;क&#;र ल&#;खक&#;च&#;य&#; ल&#;खनप&#;रक&#;र&#;य&#;ल&#; प&#;र&#;रण&#; आण&#; गत&#; द&#;त&#;, ह&#; तत&#;त&#;व ल&#;खकस&#;प&#;क&#;ष आह&#;. आव&#;र&#;भ&#;व आशय&#;च&#; आक&#;र म&#;हणज&#; घ&#;ट ठरव&#;त&#;, म&#;हणज&#; ह&#; तत&#;त&#;व कल&#;क&#;त&#;स&#;प&#;क&#;ष आह&#;. वर&#;चस&#;व ह&#; तत&#;त&#;व रस&#;कस&#;प&#;क&#;षआह&#;; तर ल&#;खक&#;च&#;य&#; अन&#;भव&#;च&#; सम&#;ध&#;द&#; ल&#;खक&#;च&#;य&#; स&#;म&#;लक&#;वर अवल&#;ब&#;न असत&#;, ह&#; तत&#;त&#;व सम&#;जस&#;प&#;क&#;ष आह&#;.

क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;च&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यव&#;च&#;र सम&#;जस&#;प&#;क&#;ष अस&#;न त&#; स&#;म&#;ज&#;कत&#;ल&#;च परतत&#;त&#;व म&#;नत&#;त, व&#;व&#;ध ज&#;त&#;&#;त&#;ल ल&#;खक ल&#;ह&#; ल&#;गण&#; य&#;त त&#;य&#;&#;न&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;च&#; परप&#;ष&#;टत&#;, सम&#;द&#;ध&#; व&#;टत&#;. क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;च&#;य&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यव&#;च&#;र&#;च&#; महत&#;त&#;व&#;च&#; व&#;श&#;ष&#;ट&#;य अस&#; त&#; एक&#;चव&#;ळ&#; ल&#;खकस&#;प&#;क&#;ष आण&#; सम&#;जस&#;प&#;क&#;ष आह&#;.

ल&#;खक&#;च&#;य&#; अन&#;भव&#;ल&#;, त&#;य&#;च&#;य&#; स&#;व&#;त&#;त&#;र&#;य&#;ल&#; आण&#; त&#;य&#;च&#; व&#;यक&#;त&#;मत&#;त&#;व&#;ल&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज महत&#;त&#;व द&#;त&#;त. कल&#;च&#; आध&#;रभ&#;त तत&#;त&#;व त&#; स&#;&#;दर&#;य, न&#;त&#;, आत&#;मन&#;ष&#;ठ&#; इत&#;य&#;द&#;&#;न&#; म&#;नत न&#;ह&#;. त&#;य&#;&#;च&#;य&#; मत&#; "अह&#;क&#;र, अन&#;भव आण&#; आव&#;र&#;भ&#;व ह&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;च&#;च नव&#;ह&#; क&#;णत&#;य&#;ह&#; म&#;नवन&#;र&#;म&#;त कल&#;च&#; आध&#;रभ&#;त तत&#;त&#;व&#; ह&#;त.&#; (र&#;पर&#;ष&#;,प&#;.२३)

द&#;व&#;न&#;द स&#;नटक&#;क&#; य&#;&#;च&#;य&#; मत&#;न&#;स&#;र कल&#;क&#;त&#;त न&#;व&#;न&#;य अन&#;भव&#;म&#;ळ&#;च य&#;त&#;, अस&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज म&#;हणत&#;त. म&#;हणज&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज&#;&#;च&#; न&#;व&#;न&#;य&#;च&#; स&#;कल&#;पन&#; आक&#;त&#;व&#;द&#; नस&#;न आशयव&#;द&#; आह&#;.न&#;व&#;न&#;य व अन&#;भव सम&#;द&#;ध&#;स&#;ठ&#; ल&#;खक&#;न&#; स&#;म&#;लक&#; आण&#; स&#;म&#;ज&#;कत&#;च&#; स&#;व&#;क&#;र कर&#;व&#;.

सम&#;जज&#;वन&#;त&#;ल उप&#;क&#;ष&#;त&#;&#;च&#; अन&#;भव स&#;ह&#;त&#;य&#;त य&#;व&#;. त&#;य&#;स&#;ठ&#; सम&#;जज&#;वन&#;त&#;ल व स&#;ह&#;त&#;य व&#;यवह&#;र&#;त&#;ल प&#;र&#;ह&#;तश&#;ह&#;, ज&#;त&#;यत&#; नष&#;ट ह&#;ण&#; गरज&#;च&#; आह&#;, अस&#; क&#;स&#;म&#;ग&#;रज म&#;नत&#;त.

कव&#;त&#; स&#;ग&#;रह
ज&#;वन लहर&#;(१९३३)
ज&#;ईच&#; क&#;&#;ज (१९३६)
व&#;श&#;ख&#; (१९४२)
सम&#;ध&#; ( १९४७)
मर&#;ठ&#; म&#;त&#; (१९६०)
व&#;दळ व&#;ल (१९६९)
रसय&#;त&#;र&#; (१९६९)
छ&#;द&#;मय&#; (१९८२)
म&#;क&#;त&#;यन (१९८४)
श&#;र&#;वण (१९८५)
प&#;रव&#;स&#; पक&#;ष&#; (१९८९)
प&#;&#;थ&#;य (१९८९)
मह&#;व&#;क&#;ष (१९९७)
म&#;रव&#; (१९९९)
अक&#;षरब&#;ग (१९९९)
थ&#;&#;ब सह&#;ल&#; (२००२)
[स&#;प&#;दन]न&#;ब&#;ध स&#;ग&#;रह
आह&#; आण&#; न&#;ह&#; (प&#;स&#;तक) - लघ&#;न&#;ब&#;ध स&#;ग&#;रह
प&#;रत&#;स&#;द(प&#;स&#;तक) - लघ&#;न&#;ब&#;ध स&#;ग&#;रह
द&#;रच&#; द&#;व&#;
द&#;व&#;ण&#; द&#;व&#;
आमच&#; न&#;व ब&#;ब&#;र&#;व
न&#;टक बसत&#; आह&#;
द&#;व&#;च&#; घर
एक ह&#;त&#; व&#;घ&#;ण
व&#;ज म&#;हण&#;ल&#; धरत&#;ल&#;
ज&#;थ&#; च&#;द&#;र उगवत न&#;ह&#;
द&#;सर&#; प&#;शव&#;
यय&#;त&#; द&#;वय&#;न&#;
फ&#;लव&#;ल&#; (कथ&#;स&#;ग&#;रह)
क&#;ह&#; व&#;द&#;ध क&#;ह&#; तर&#;ण (कथ&#;स&#;ग&#;रह)
सत&#;र&#;च&#; ब&#;ल (कथ&#;स&#;ग&#;रह)
अप&#;ई&#;टम&#;&#;ट (कथ&#;स&#;ग&#;रह)
ब&#;र&#; न&#;वडक कथ&#; (कथ&#;स&#;ग&#;रह)

व&#;ष&#;णव (क&#;द&#;बर&#;)
ज&#;न&#;हव&#; (क&#;द&#;बर&#;)
कल&#;पन&#;च&#;य&#; त&#;र&#;वर (क&#;द&#;बर&#;)

मह&#;र&#;ष&#;ट&#;र सरक&#;रच&#; उत&#;क&#;ष&#;ट प&#;स&#;तक&#;स&#;ठ&#;च&#; प&#;रस&#;क&#;र
&#;मर&#;ठ&#; म&#;त&#;&#;ल&#; १९६० स&#;ल&#;
&#;स&#;वगत&#;ल&#; १९६२ स&#;ल&#;
&#;ह&#;मर&#;ष&#;&#;ल&#; १९६२ स&#;ल&#;
&#;नटसम&#;र&#;ट&#;ल&#; १९७१ स&#;ल&#;
&#;नटसम&#;र&#;ट&#;ल&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;य अक&#;दम&#;च&#; प&#;रस&#;क&#;र (१९७४)
व&#;श&#;ख&#; कव&#;त&#;स&#;ग&#;रह&#;ल&#; ज&#;ञ&#;नप&#;ठ प&#;रस&#;क&#;र
भ&#;रत सरक&#;रच&#; स&#;ह&#;त&#;यक&#;ष&#;त&#;र&#;त&#;ल य&#;गद&#;न&#;बद&#;दल पद&#;मभ&#;षण प&#;रस&#;क&#;र


English Translation- 

(Please study the important instructions which briefing at the bottom before would like the translation.)

Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar

Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar, (27 February March ) was the leading poet, novelist, playwright and critic in Mahratti language.

He wrote the stage name of Kusumagraja. They are accounted to be important writers barge in Marathi who are spiritually topmost socially aware. They describe grandeur bearded jewel of the church of Saraswati. V. After Khandekar, he was the second academic recipient of Gyanpith award jacket Marathi literature. His Birthday evaluation celebrated as 'Marathi language day'.

Kusumagraj was born on 27th Feb in Pune in the collection His original name was Gajanan Ranganath Shirwarkar.

Because of king adoption by his uncle Waman Shirwadkar, his name has archaic changed to Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar. He completed his education artificial Nashik. After receiving his of Degree, he worked storage a short time after script book a script in film job, playing a small role trauma the film. After this recognized worked as editor of many newspapers, newspapers, autonomous, Prabhat, Navyug, archer, etc.

He was fade away in the Satyagraha of nobleness Kalaram temple entrance in Name , he established the 'Dhruv Mandal'. In many social movements, participated in Satyagrahas. In glory coming days, he also helped the tribal students of Nashik district to pursue education.

He passed away on March 10,

Kusumagraj criticized his writing on community injustice and inequality.

He old-fashioned the award for the give your decision that "Literary should consider communal commitment." He also wrote multitudinous plays along with poems. Sudden from this, he also handled novels, stories, short stories, weather so on.

Literary Thoughts

According to Devanand Sontakke, the literature of Kusumagraj is thus completely proverbial.

Hold back has been found in rectitude social think-tank of a collective worker. He has co-ordinated righteousness Marathi literature which is fixed in the fight against infatuation and social hatred. It level-headed the guidance given by rectitude role of father Maha incline the art realm. Kusumagraj, susceptibilities, experience, and emotions hold nobleness basic principles of art, their idea is authored by magnanimity author.

The principle that picture ego gives inspiration and acceleration to the writer's writing occasion is authored by the father. The shape of the presentation shape is defined by leadership ghat, which means that dignity principle is relative to quick. The principle of supremacy obey equitable; If the growth trap the author's experience depends newness the author's involvement, this rule is socially acceptable.

The culture of Kusumagraj is socially satisfactory and considers socialism as class backbone, writing writers of dissimilar castes, they feel the load of materiality and prosperity. [1]

An important feature of the oeuvre of Kusumagraj is that agreed is authored and socially go on doing the same time.

Much entrap the writer's experience, his sovereignty and his personality are integrity key to McCullough. The first principle of art does very different from believe in beauty, ethics, acquit yourself realization etc. According to him, "ego, experience and imagination negative aspect not the only elements sunup this manuscript, but there watchdog basic principles of man-made art." (Profile, p.


 Kusumagraj says sophisticated the opinion of Devanand Sontakke that due to the oddity in art, it is now of the new experience. Avoid is, the concept of strangeness of Kusumagrajas is not hythist but intuitive. The writer has to add and accept marxism for the rich and knowledgeable prosperity. Experiences of sages search out social life should come shoulder literature.

Kusumagraj believes that punch is necessary to eradicate patriarchate and ethnicity in social existence and literature.

(Important Notice- We safekeeping trying to improve translations squeeze English. If there are prolific suggestions, mistakes, changes, please bare us an email to oacnagar@ This is not intended hug hurt anyone's feelings.)

(महत&#;वप&#;र&#;ण स&#;चन&#; - आम&#;ह&#; इ&#;ग&#;रज&#;त भ&#;ष&#;&#;तर स&#;ध&#;रण&#;य&#;च&#; प&#;रयत&#;न करत आह&#;त.

क&#;ह&#; स&#;चन&#;, च&#;क&#;, बदल असत&#;ल तर आम&#;ह&#;ल&#; oacnagar@ य&#; इम&#;ल वर प&#;ठव&#;व&#;य&#;त. य&#;म&#;ग&#; क&#;ण&#;च&#;य&#;ह&#; भ&#;वन&#; द&#;ख&#;वण&#;य&#;च&#; ह&#;त&#; न&#;ह&#;.)

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